Monday, November 14, 2011

The 7th Victim, Moon, House of Wax (2005), The Haunting (1963), Let's Scare Jessica to Death, Phenomena, Immortals, House on Haunted Hill (1999)

Nov 3
The 7th Victim (1943)

Not much horror in this. A "Satanic" cult drives a woman towards suicide because she reveals them. Shadowy and dark, it's got more style than substance.

Nov 4
Moon (2009)

I love Sam Rockwell. Just getting that out of the way. This is an amazing sci-fi flick with far more heart than explosions. I love it, and I love Duncan Jones and I love Kevin Spacey as GERTY. This movie is full of love. And clones. 

Nov 8
House of Wax (2005)

This was made back when Paris Hilton was relevant to pop culture. Looking back on it now, she did a right competent job as kill fodder. Seriously! This is a nasty little movie. I like it. A LOT. 

Nov 9

Let's Scare Jessica to Death (1971)

Everyone seems to love this movie. I don't really understand why. It's is populated by ugly people doing boring shit. Like watching your slightly trashy neighbours have a fight outside, it's mildly interesting, but you really have no idea what it's about. Unfinished plot lines, more ugly people and no real pace keeps this safely in the "good to groom my dogs to" camp. Dirty Hippies.

Nov 9
The Haunting (1963)

I remember being very freaked out the first time I saw this. Not so much second time around, but it is lovely. Even though it made me fall asleep due to it's snail like pacing and very quiet soundtrack. I had a really good nap as I recall, so that's something. Right?

Nov 10
Phenomena (1985)

A very young Jennifer Connelly shows off her chops in this Argento freak out. Set in a girls school, this weird, sweet fantasy horror is a likeable flick with some really nice gore and just plain strange stuff filling it. The ending is a trip and I love a good bug killing!

Nov 11
Immortals (2011)


Nov 13
House on Haunted Hill (1999)

Chris likes to comment on how many good movies came out that year. The Matrix, Fight Club, The Sixth Sense, Galaxy Quest.. you know, classics.  And this. Yeah, this. Seriously! Chris Kattan alone is worth watching it. It is a popcorn flick to be sure, but such a fun gross one! We love this movie. we really do. You should too! Exclamation points!!!

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